Tabular aluminas are fully shrunk coarse crystalline alpha aluminas that have been converted to their corundum form. Tabular alumina is produced by sintering ball-formed, intermediately burned calcined alumina at a temperature just under the 2040º C melting point of aluminum oxide. These tabular alumina balls are then crushed, graded or screened, ground and blended to a wide range of granular or powdered particle size distributions. AluChem’s (AC99) tabular alumina is available as low or ultra-low soda, de-ironed and de-dusted and in a wide variety of packages.
The typical properties of tabular alumina are:
• Chemical inertness – resistant to most alkalis and mineral acids
• High-density
• Low water absorption
• Extreme hardness
• High thermal conductivity
• Good resistance to thermal and mechanical shock
• High heat capacity
• High electrical resistance
• Excellent abrasion resistance
Tabular Aluminas

Tabular Aluminas Manufacturers

Tabular Alumina suppliers

Tabular Alumina

Tabular Alumina Properties

Reactive grade Tabular Aluminas